Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Regional Initiatives

  • Clime took part with Numtech and AirParif to the project “Votre Air”, from the call “Futur en Seine” organized by Cap Digital and notably supported by Île-de-France. Clime is in charge of providing data assimilation methods in order to generate analyses out of ADMS simulations and AirParif ground observations. The corresponding prototype is running operationnally and the results are available at http://votreair.airparif.fr/ and on Android and iOS applications.

  • Clime is involved in the starting project PREQUALIF–IZNOGOUD–BARC, with many partners including the leading partner LSCE (“Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et l'Environnement”), which aims at designing methods for the evaluation of the measures to be taken in the ZAPA areas (“Priority Areas for Air Quality Measures”). Clime will focus on the assimilation of observations to better evaluate the actual air quality.